New Organzation

From the birth of Bitcoin to its growth into a vast market and ecosystem, the real inspiration it provides is its operating model - decentralized collaboration, which makes the system anti-fragile and risk-resistant.

Today, DAO has initially taken shape. It is not restricted by region and ethnicity, leading to the vigorous development of global "digital nomads". Due to some kind of idea or goal, Co-builders can contribute to the organization in any corner of the earth.

We propose a more advanced DAO, a full-process governance form, evolving from "Vote - Execute" to "Create AGI - Decided By AGI".

We are going to create a new kind of organization that combines the capabilities of AGI and decentralized democracy. DAO is the best form of future AGI entity, and blockchain guarantees the value and rules.

There are four roles in this new organzation.


It represents the basic program and rules of DAO

Traditional DAO constitutions are relatively simple. Since they are implemented via contract program code that could be automatically executable, they are significantly constrained. More constraints exist in the actual operational process, including:

  • Limited flexibility: Many scenarios cannot be summarized with IF-Else branch code, limiting the DAO's adaptability in rapidly changing environments.

  • Governance attacks risk: Malicious voters may attempt to manipulate rules or outcomes of votes to obtain improper benefits

  • Uncertain regulation: There are differences between DAOs and traditional legal systems, so status of constitutions may be unclear, possibly leading to complexities in jurisdiction and legal actions.

  • Information overload: Excessively detailed constitutions will make it difficult for voters to understand all the details, affecting decision-making.

  • Insufficient enforcement: The effectiveness of a DAO constitution depends on the compliance of its members and the community's ability to enforce it. Without these aspects, even the best-designed constitution may fail to function as intended.

  • Community fork: Constitutional disputes with the convenience of reconstruction may lead to community fall apart.

In the new organization we propose, governance processes will be changed through the AGI model, which will solve these issues above.

  1. AGI can process complex data and extract and generalize key information from it, meaning it can provide data-based decision support for DAO members that cannot be implementment with static code.

  2. AGI can design and execute more efficient voting. Humans delegating the voting to the AGI model ensure a fair process.

  3. AGI may have exceptionally capable understanding required to meet legal standards in various locations.

  4. AGI could provide personalized advice based on the preferences of each DAO member, avoiding issues with comprehension difficulty.

  5. AGI will reduce disputes over interpretations and more importantly, building new AGI will be very difficult.

  6. End-to-end AGI models allow execution anywhere.

Nowadays, the low cost and high performance of end-to-end models make edge node inference possible. Mobile side deployment and AI robots have already appeared in the industry. Model training, data and all process can be immutably recorded on blockchain. Biometric identity with controllable privacy has been applied. Worldcoin gives us a good example which uses the Orb physical device to perform iris recognition to identify the real human.

Technically, "Create AGI - Decided By AGI" is expected to be realized.

Governance Committee

As DAO develops, the constitution also needs to keep up with the times. The governance committee plays the role of amending the constitution. Committee members ensures proposals and decisions comply with the DAO's long-term interests and values. In a decentralized environment, information and opinions can easily become fragmented, while the governance committee should ensure the flow of information and transparency. When there are disagreements about votes and decisions, the governance committee may intervene to mediate and resolve disputes.

Bytomdao governance comittee consists of 5 people responsible for fully implementing the constitutional agenda, including proposal collection, proposal review, proposal voting, supervision of the entire model training and enacting the constitution.

Duty of comittee members includes the following key steps:

  1. Proposal Stage: Members propose changes . These proposals may concern the top direction of the DAO or amendments to rules.

  2. Discussion & Revision Stage: Proposals are made public to all members for discussion and deliberation. Members can ask questions, suggest modifications, or express support/opposition to the proposals.

  3. Voting Stage: After discussion, proposals are put to a vote. Voting rights are distributed based on the proportion of governance tokens held by members.

  4. Updating Stage: new AGI model will be traing If a proposal receives sufficient support and surpasses a preset threshold, more than 80% of the votes.

  5. Recording & Evaluation Stage: The training process and outcomes are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and traceability. Subsequently, members can assess the results and propose new initiatives if necessary.

The whole process is cyclical, for continuous improvement.

Executive Committee

Executive committee is typically a group of individuals to handle the DAO's daily operations and voting processes. The committee may act as representatives of the DAO in negotiations or collaborations with other entities, including partners, other organizations, and the public。

The committee have the authority to manage resources of the DAO, like website, contract, AI infrastructure and other assets to keep the DAO functioning.

In BytomDAO, there is no limit to the number of members of the executive committee, but they must be verified by a real natural entity, not web bots.

Ecosystem Builder

Ecosystem Builders are individuals, teams, or entities that play a crucial role in building, maintaining, and evolving the ecosystem of a DAO. These builders commit to creating and promoting a sustainable, healthy, and evolving decentralized network.

Building agents, training models, data mining, and providing AI computing power are all typical tasks for BytomDAO ecosystem builders.

Last updated